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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Measuring and Recording Urinary Output for ARC Testing

Equipment: Bedpan with urine, measuring container, gloves, pen, paper


1.) Knock on door and listen for residents response.

2.) Wash hands before contact with resident and introduce self and address resident by name.

3.) Put on clean gloves before handling bedpan.

4.) Pour the contents of the bedpan into measuring container without spilling or splashing any of the urine or touching bedpan to rim of container.

5.) Measure the amount of urine at eye level (on a flat surface).

6.) After measuring urine,empty contents of measuring container into toilet without splashing.

7.) Clean measuring container and pour rinse water into toilet and dry with paper towel.  Clean bedpan and pour rinse water into toilet.

8.) Return bedpan and measuring container to proper storage.

9.) Remove and dispose of gloves into wastebasket.

10.) Wash hands before recording output.

11.) Record contents of container in output column (must be within +/- 25 ml of instructors reading).

12.) Report any changes in resident to nurse.  Document procedure according to facility guidelines.

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