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Monday, October 20, 2008

Approaching Death

Common signs of approaching death include:

*blurred and failing vision

*unfocused eyes

*impaired speech

*diminished sense of touch

*loss of movement, muscle tone, and feeling

*rising or below-normal body temperature

*decreasing blood pressure

*weak pulse that is abnormally slow or rapid

*slow, irregular respirations or rapid, shallow respirations, called Cheyne-Stokes respirations

*a "rattling" or "gurgling" sound as the person breathes

*cold, pale skin

*mottling, spotting, or blotching of skin caused by poor circulation


*incontinence (both urine and stool)

*disorientation or confusion

Some guidelines to follow:

-keep room lighting low to reduce glare

-give mouth care often

-keep sheets wrinkle-free

-reposition resident often

-spend time and listen

-do not babble or be especially cheerful or sad

-be professional

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